#1 Ébenfekete meleg oldal az interneten
#1 Ébenfekete meleg oldal az interneten

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elijah20 Adatlap információk

i spread myself through eternity...
Év 36 Honnan való? Durham, North Carolina - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Férfit

Általános adatok

I would think of myself as being kind, outgoing, fun to talk to, yet however I myself can be quite shy and pessimistic about heaps of things. I am only 19 years old and I already feel like i've lived 26. Good or bad? It varies. Thats not to say I don't treasure the things that have been given to me, cause I do. I feel that our past is just as important as the present, and there is something to be said about how we take out faults and make change for the days to come.

I am not very constructive with regards to human nature. I am always one to seek change and make things better. That is why I tend to lean to others who are willing to learn from their past and make there lives better.

Subsequently, I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. People who treat me with decency and kindness will get most of my attention. I have no reason to treat you with disrespect unless you give me doubt. I never judge anyone. I realize there is a mixed crowd here. Some people can just be vile. If I don't like you it will be clear, and in most cases I will let you know when i'm interested. I simply do not have the time to respond to every single person who attempts to converse with me.

Now to a bit lighter subject haha, lets see i listen to music when im sad and bored or just want to escape the maddess of the world, i enjoy bodies of water it calms me and brings me back to reality; centers me if you will. therefore i love to sail. skiing is another one of my chossen methods of enjoyment; something about the speed control, and overall rush. im very involed in politics and the political arena. hanging out with my friends, and doing what ever comes of that.

Im currently a student working on my ba in political science, going for international law. i come from a respectable known family that has decided to let me fend for myself. i am not use to leaving below the tax-bract and need some help, in return i can offer you my company companionship, friendship, and an ear to listen, to care. Not to mention nice arm candy lol someone that is well educated; comprehensive in six languages able to hold a conversation beyond dick size and sex.

It is very hard for me to describe the type of guys I like. I like many different kinds of people and am very open minded. I find that attractiveness is important to me however personality seems dominant. There are a lot of pretty people in this world but with no substance. I detest people with fake personalities. If you are not willing to be modestly straight forward with me I definitely wont make time for you.

Bottom line. Don't judge me from this, I just like to make clear my intent so I can avoid problems. If you really want to know me, take the time to send me a interesting email or better yet IM me. I have msn as well.

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.78 m
Szemeim színe  
Családi állapotom  
Sosem volt házas
Vannak gyerekeim  
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Nem is gondolkodom ilyenen
Hajam színe:  


Némi főiskola
Ez évi bevételem  
Kevesebb mint 3,656,235 HUF
A szobatársa(i)mmal
Alkalmanként átjönnek a barátaim
Kedvelem az alkoholt  
Igen - társaságban


A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Tartózkodó, Figyelmes, Barátságos, Komikus, Kacér, Társaságkedvelő, Furcsa
Edzés, Vacsorák, Fotográfia
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Bevásárlás, Új dolgok kipróbálása, Lazítás
Így látnak barátaim:  


Vallási nézeteim:  
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
to be successful
Szarkasztikus, Barátságos, Szadista


Mit nézek?  
Hírek, Rajzfilmek, Dokumentumfilm, Komédia, Filmek, Ismétlések
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Komédia, Romantikus filmek, Dráma, Dokumentum film, Család centrikus tartalom, Animáció, Horror, Krimi, Felnőtt tartalom
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Rap, Rock, Blues, Soul, Reggae, Punk
Mit olvasok?  
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
well lets see i listen to music when im sad and bored or just want to escape the maddess of the world, i enjoy bodies of water it calms me and brings me back to reality; centers me if you will. therefore i love to sail. skiing is another one of my chossen methods of enjoyment; something about the speed control, and overall rush. im very involed in politics and the political arena. hanging out with my friends, and doing what ever comes of that.


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Tudás, Jó kinézet, Humor, Empátia, Érzékenység, Merészség, Különlegességek, Spontaneitás, Szellemesség, Komolyság, Passzivitás
Mi az ami után kutat?  
already been covered
Mi után kutat?  
Barát, Dátum, Elkötelezettség